A Mons Resection involves removing some of the fatty tissue from the mons pubis. It’s similar to a very low tummy tuck, which lifts and makes the structures more visible.
Mons Pubis: The fatty tissue covering the pubic bone.

Mons Resection Explained

- Aesthetic Preferences: Some people prefer the appearance of a smaller mons pubis.
- Post-Surgical Adjustments: Individuals who have undergone procedures like metoidioplasty or urethral lengthening may benefit from a mons resection to adjust the positioning of their T dick, aiding in functions like standing to pee.
- Visibility: A mons resection can make the T dick more visible.
- Functional Concerns: Excessive mons pubis fat can cause difficulties with urination or sexual activity.
- Comfort: A large mons pubis can (but does not always!) cause irritation and hygiene challenges.

How Mons Resection Works
Some more specific risks to this procedure are:
Infection: The scar can become infected if not properly cared for.
Swelling: Swelling is a common post-surgical symptom that should be monitored.
Mons resection is a specialised surgical procedure that can address both aesthetic and functional concerns. By removing excess fatty tissue from the mons pubis, individuals can achieve a more desirable appearance and improved comfort. As with any surgery, understanding the procedure, recovery, and risks is essential for making an informed decision. If you're considering a mons resection, consult with a qualified surgeon to discuss your goals and expectations.